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Direct rotor type steam flowmeter

Nature of the Manufacturer
Product Category
Rotor Steam Flowmeter
Place of Origin
City, Province
Direct rotor type steam flowmeter
Product Details


ZW-LFX series Direct rotor type steam flowmeter Mainly used for measurement of saturated steam in the process of industrial production and the overheated steam flow, it can directly display the cumulative amount of actual steam quality of the scene, but also can realize the remote cumulative display, in the pipe steam pressure changes through simple pressure adjusting device can ensure accurate measurement, the advantages of wide measuring range, high precision, long service life, simple structure, reliable work, convenient operation, suitable for energy metering.

Second, working principle:

ZW-LFX series direct rotor type steam flow meter is mainly used to measure the industrial production process of saturated steam and overheated steam flow meter. The main section of fluid, damper and indicator three parts, is a kind of differential pressure principle is shunt - meter.

When the steam enters the body, because the throttling effect of orifice plate and nozzle, the inclined hole part of the steam enters the body through the shunt diversion pipeline, jet rotor impeller, a torque, the impeller shaft is arranged at the lower part of the damping damping blade, blade in the water filled radiator body rotation, the rotation by the damping effect of the impeller, kinetic energy this impeller can be effectively absorbed by the jet, the phase equilibrium in the impeller shaft braking torque torque and damping impeller speed of rotation. The steam enters the body is in proportion to shunt shunt in the pipeline, and the impeller speed and flow rate is proportional to size, so the impeller speed and through the full steam flow is proportional to the rotation of the impeller shaft, with the gear change to the appropriate speed, then the pointer through magnetic coupling to counter on the dial, can be directly read the numerical flow of steam. Equipped with pulse generator, we can realize the remote display. The specific figure:

Three, application:

ZW-LFX series direct rotor type steam flow meter is a measure of the steam instrument can accurately measure the superheated steam and saturated steam flow accumulation. Through the counter dial can be directly read through all the weight steam table, also the output pulse signal, the two meter remote connection.Applicable to the petroleum, chemical industry, light industry, metallurgy, textile, food, medicine and other units of measurement using steam steam flow.

Fourth, the main features:

1, flow measurement range, accurate measurement of saturated steam and overheated steam (superheat is less than 20 DEG C) flow.

2, in the pipeline installation of this flowmeter can easily change the flow range as long as the change of the nozzle or orifice.

3, can be directly read out the accumulated flow, but also can realize the remote display.

4, when the working pressure is changed, through the pressure adjusting device, can ensure accurate measurement.

5, simple design, reliable structure, convenient maintenance.

Fifth, technical parameters:

1, medium: saturated steam and overheated steam (superheat is less than or equal to 30 DEG C);

2, nominal diameter: DN25, DN50, DN80, DN100;

3, Zui high working temperature: 240 degrees;

4, the use of pressure range: 0.05 ~ 1.6MPa;

5, compensation mode: manual pressure compensation;

6, reading: reading;

7, installation: horizontal installation. Must be installed in a horizontal straight tube, the indicator must be in the pipeline under the straight pipe section length to meet the requirements (10DN 5DN). The other according to the steam must be the direction of the arrow into the shell body.

Six, installation and use:

1, flow meter must be installed in a horizontal straight line section, pipe line length shall not be less than the nominal diameter of 10DN before and after section of straight pipe line length should not be less than the nominal diameter of 5DN. The inner diameter of the pipe must be the same size as the nominal flow meter. Do not put the meter installed in the pipeline Zui low, flowmeter indicator must be perpendicular to the line below.

2, according to the steam flow to the meter shell protruding arrow direction, not the reverse. The user for convenient reading, need to change the direction of the dial, can unscrew the fastening indicator two M10 * 28 bolts, the indicator will rotate 90 degrees or 180 degrees, then bolt from the other two hole. But not the reverse toggle magnets, lest cause loosening of product failure.

3, the machine before installation, must be on both sides of the pipeline cleaning net, so as to avoid clogging dirt into the flowmeter body.

Before 4, two meter running, a water plug must open top chamber damping, the damping chamber filled with water after fastening, otherwise the rotor speed is too high will cause the damage and accumulation of errors.

After 5, all the preparatory work is completed, the valve to be opened before and after work, after the opening of the valve opening to the need. Do not turn on too fast, so as to avoid the rotor damaged by the sudden shock.

6, in the environment temperature is below zero to stop working, to prevent damp indoor water freezes, the water must be discharged from the outlet of the damping chamber. If the work in cold conditions to prevent freezing of water in damping, damping chamber outsourcing enough insulation layer, or filled with antifreeze in the damping chamber (water solution containing diethylene glycol 50%).

7, the dial reading: this instrument according to different diameter, orifice plate is provided with 10kg, 100kg two dial.Figure 3A shows the 10kg dial, its long pointer per week is 10kg, the length of needle clockwise rotation, as a ratio to carry 10:1, go a week long pointer, a short walk *. * short a week away, second STS move...... , by analogy, to fifth short walk after a week, the pointer are back to zero.

The DN25 instrument must use the calibration correction factor to correct values, both the readings on the calibration correction coefficient, the actual steam flow shows that the formula is: G=G '- lambda; G: (kg) G' actual flow table indicating the flow (kg): lambda: Specifies the correction coefficient. A value is obtained by calibration, marked on the nameplate factory.

8, pressure adjustment: to ensure the measurement accuracy in steam pressure changes, a pressure compensation adjustment mechanism in the indicator, the pressure adjustment of the dial indicator should be consistent with the steam pressure through the shell, if not, should be adjusted to the same. Adjustment method; open the cover (2), (5) the back nut loosen scale rod (4) circular dial (3) on the pressure indicator scale line alignment scale (1) on the corresponding pressure value (consistent with working pressure) and then tighten the back nut.

Seven, note the use and maintenance:

The use of 1 meter, before operation, must be filled with clean water to damp indoor. First the two injection screw (avoid cavity gas row not clean, water filled, and then to fill the interior damping) clean water. Otherwise, the instrument will lead to damage or reduce the instrument precision and life;

2 meter, stop running, must be damp indoor water from the outlet on the net, to prevent the winter ice water meter and prevent bad water corrosion of instrument;

3, flow meter in environmental temperature below 0 DEG C when used in the damping chamber water by adding antifreeze (appropriate damping liquid concentration for ethylene glycol solution of 50%);

4, the installation should be flowmeter before flushing clean, prevent dirt from entering the instrument with the instrument damage caused by steam. The steam flowmeter is put into operation, should gradually open the valve, do not suddenly open the valve, to avoid damage to parts;

5, put into use, should be based on the steam working pressure, adjust the compensation, the compensation scale value of working pressure is consistent with the actual work, to ensure the accuracy of flowmeter.

Eight, the rated flow table (unit: Kg/h )

Steam pressure






Throttling element













Zero Point Zero Five


Thirty-five point three


Six hundred and sixty

Two hundred and sixty-five

One hundred and thirty-three

One thousand three hundred and twenty-five

Six hundred and sixty

Two hundred and sixty-five

Two thousand six hundred and fifty

One thousand three hundred and twenty-five

Six hundred and sixty

Zero point one




Seven hundred and fifty

Three hundred

One hundred and fifty

One thousand and five hundred

Seven hundred and fifty

Three hundred

Three thousand

One thousand and five hundred

Seven hundred and fifty

Zero point two

Ninety-six point seven



Nine hundred and fifteen

Three hundred and sixty-six

One hundred and eighty-eight

One thousand eight hundred and thirty

Nine hundred and fifteen

Three hundred and sixty-six

Three thousand six hundred and sixty

One thousand eight hundred and thirty

Nine hundred and fifteen

Zero point three

One hundred and ten


Twenty-seven point five

One thousand and fifty

Four hundred and twenty

Two hundred and ten

Two thousand and one hundred

One thousand and fifty

Four hundred and twenty

Four thousand and two hundred

Two thousand and one hundred

One thousand and fifty

Zero point four

One hundred and twenty-two


Thirty point seven

One thousand one hundred and sixty-five

Four hundred and sixty-six

Two hundred and thirty-three

Two thousand three hundred and thirty

One thousand one hundred and sixty-five

Four hundred and sixty-six

Four thousand six hundred and sixty

Two thousand three hundred and thirty

One thousand one hundred and sixty-five

Zero point five

One hundred and thirty-three

Sixty-six point six

Thirty-three point three

One thousand two hundred and seventy

Five hundred and eight

Two hundred and fifty-four

Two thousand five hundred and forty

One thousand two hundred and seventy

Five hundred and eight

Five thousand and eighty

Two thousand five hundred and forty

One thousand two hundred and seventy

Zero point six

One hundred and forty-three



One thousand three hundred and sixty-five

Five hundred and forty-seven

Two hundred and seventy-three

Two thousand seven hundred and thirty

One thousand three hundred and sixty-five

Five hundred and forty-seven

Five thousand four hundred and seventy

Two thousand seven hundred and thirty

One thousand three hundred and sixty-five

Zero point seven

One hundred and fifty-two point six



One thousand four hundred and fifty

Five hundred and seventy-six

Two hundred and ninety

Two thousand and nine hundred

One thousand four hundred and fifty

Five hundred and seventy-six

Five thousand seven hundred and sixty

Two thousand and nine hundred

One thousand four hundred and fifty

Zero point eight

One hundred and sixty-one point six

Eighty point seven

Forty point seven

One thousand five hundred and forty

Six hundred and fifteen

Three hundred and fifteen

Three thousand one hundred and fifty

One thousand five hundred and forty

Six hundred and fifteen

Six thousand one hundred and fifty

Three thousand one hundred and fifty

One thousand five hundred and forty

Zero point nine

One hundred and seventy


Forty-two point seven

One thousand six hundred and twenty

Six hundred and forty-eight

Three hundred and twenty-four

Three thousand two hundred and forty

One thousand six hundred and twenty

Six hundred and forty-eight

Six thousand four hundred and eighty

Three thousand two hundred and forty

One thousand six hundred and twenty


One hundred and seventy-six point six

Eighty-eight point seven

Forty-four point seven

One thousand six hundred and ninety-five

Six hundred and seventy-seven

Three hundred and thirty-nine

Three thousand three hundred and ninety

One thousand six hundred and ninety-five

Six hundred and seventy-seven

Six thousand seven hundred and seventy

Three thousand three hundred and ninety

One thousand six hundred and ninety-five

One point one

One thousand seven hundred and sixty

Seven hundred and six

Three hundred and fifty-three

Three thousand five hundred and thirty

One thousand seven hundred and sixty

Seven hundred and six

Seven thousand and sixty

Three thousand five hundred and thirty

One thousand seven hundred and sixty

One point two

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five

Seven hundred and thirty-three

Three hundred and sixty-seven

Three thousand six hundred and seventy

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five

Seven hundred and thirty-three

Seven thousand three hundred and thirty

Three thousand six hundred and seventy

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five

One point three

One thousand and nine hundred

Seven hundred and sixty

Three hundred and eighty

Three thousand and eight hundred

One thousand and nine hundred

Seven hundred and sixty

Seven thousand and six hundred

Three thousand and eight hundred

One thousand and nine hundred

One point four

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five

Seven hundred and eighty-five

Three hundred and ninety-three

Three thousand nine hundred and thirty

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five

Seven hundred and eighty-five

Seven thousand eight hundred and fifty

Three thousand nine hundred and thirty

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five

One point five

Two thousand and fifteen

Eight hundred and ten

Four hundred and three

Four thousand and thirty

Two thousand and fifteen

Eight hundred and ten

Eight thousand and one hundred

Four thousand and thirty

Two thousand and fifteen

One point six

Two thousand and ninety

Eight hundred and thirty-five

Four hundred and eighteen

Four thousand one hundred and eighty

Two thousand and ninety

Eight hundred and thirty-five

Eight thousand three hundred and fifty

Four thousand one hundred and eighty

Two thousand and ninety

Display pointer







Nine, nominal pressure and working temperature:

The nominal diameter ( Mm)

Precision grade

Nominal pressure

The use of temperature (c)

The ambient temperature (c)




One hundred and eighty-three



Two point five

One point six

Two hundred and twenty


Two point five

One point six

Two hundred and twenty

One hundred

Two point five

One point six

Two hundred and twenty

Ten, dimensions and installation:
One Size and shape

Nominal diameter

Installation method

Flange connection



external diameterD

Screw center distance D1

Screw N-D



B width



Horizontal installation



One hundred and fifteen


The diameter of 14 4-

Two hundred

Four hundred and thirty-seven

One hundred and fifty-three



One hundred and sixty

One hundred and twenty-five

4- is 18

Three hundred and twenty-four

Six hundred and eighty

One hundred and ninety-six



One hundred and ninety-five

One hundred and sixty

The diameter of 18 8-

Three hundred and twenty-four

Seven hundred and ten

One hundred and ninety-six


One hundred

Two hundred and fifteen

One hundred and eighty

The diameter of 18 8-

Three hundred and twenty-four

Seven hundred and thirty

One hundred and ninety-six


Two Installation mode:
This instrument has the advantages of convenient installation, the installation please pay attention to the following matters:
One And the center line flowmeter must be installed in the steam pipeline horizontal straight line, the meter inlet pipe length not less than 10DN The export side, straight length not less than 5DN .
Two And flowmeter before the operation, must be filled with water from the water inlet.
Three And when the flowmeter at ambient temperature Zero The use should pay attention to antifreeze, antifreeze should be used in the radiator into the water (containing about 50% Aqueous solution of diethylene glycol) to replace.

Eleven, the selection of encoding:


Type code


Steam flow meter rotor (Zhongwei control)


Match the types of connections between

Nominal diameter


Nominal diameter 25mm


Nominal diameter 50mm


Nominal diameter 80mm

One hundred

Nominal diameter 100mm


Match the types of connections between

Throttle unit no.


One The number of throttling element


Two The number of throttling element


Three The number of throttling element

Give an example: ZW-LFX-50/2 Description: steam flow meter rotor, nominal diameter 50mm , Two The number of throttling element.

12, design selection and ordering information:

1, the use of steam should be saturated steam or superheated steam (micro superheat is less than 20 degrees);

2, in the range of nominal pressure within the range of approximate flow meter or common working flow;

3, if the actual diameter and caliber inconsistent, should transform pipeline, but must meet the requirements of straight pipe;

4, whether with remote instrumentation and models;

5, if there is no selection and installation experience, I can assist the selection unit.

Customer service service commitment:

1, from the date of the contract, I Zhongwei company to provide products to provide free maintenance and maintenance services, life-long maintenance service commitment;

2, Jiangsu Zhongwei instrument limited company sales manager will regularly communicate with customers, understand the use of the product, and solve customer problems in the use process, to provide free technical support;

3, the warranty period the occurrence of man-made damage, the company responsible for the maintenance, and collect the resulting maintenance costs;

4, product quality problems or are not satisfied with the product, the user can choose the unconditional return, my company does not charge any fees, quality problems, bear the freight back and forth.

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