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Manual knife gate valve

Nature of the Manufacturer
Product Category
Knife gate valve
Place of Origin
City, Province
Manual knife gate valve
Product Details

A, product introduction:
PZ73H series Manual knife gate valve And the knife type valve, knife gate valve, due to the use of knife type gate has a good shearing, the most suitable fluid in the slurry, powder granules, fibers and other difficult to control, widely used in papermaking, petrochemical, mining, drainage, food and other industries. Knife type valve with a variety of seat options, and can be controlled according to site requirements, equipped with electric or pneumatic actuators, valve automation.
Two, the scope of application:
PZ73H series Manual knife gate valve The suitable fluid in the slurry, powder granules, fibers and other difficult to control, widely used in papermaking, petrochemical, mining, drainage, food and other industries.
Three, structural characteristics:
PZ73H series Manual knife gate valve Is the gate opening and closing parts, RAM direction of motion perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, can be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and the throttle.
There are two gate sealing surface, the most common mode of gate valve sealing surface to form two wedge, the wedge angle varies with the valve parameters, usually 50, wedge type knife gate valve can be made into a whole, called the rigid gate; can also be made to produce micro deformation of ram, in order to improve its process of the deviation, make up the sealing surface angle in the process, the gate is called the flexible gate.
Knife gate valve is closed, the sealing surface can only rely on media pressure to seal, that media pressure will depend on the sealing surface of the ram pressure to the other side of the seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal, which is self sealing. Most of the knife gate valve is sealed by force, that the valve is closed, to rely on external pressure to force the gate to the seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal.
Four, standard specification:
Design and manufacturing standards:
The structure of standard length: GB/T 12221-2005
Flange standard: GB/T 9113
Pressure temperature rating: GB/T 12224-2005
Test standards: GB/T 13927-2008
Five, the main performance specifications:

Nominal pressure (MPa)
Shell test (MPa)
Seal test (MPa)
working temperature
Applicable medium
One point six
One point five
Two point four
One point one
One point eight
C = 100
C = 100
Pulp, sewage, slurry, coal ash, slag and water mixture

Six, main parts material:

Body and cover
Gate valve
The stem
Sealing surface
Stainless steel, carbon steel, gray cast iron
Carbon steel, stainless steel
Stainless steel
Rubber, PTFE, stainless steel, hard alloy

Seven, PZ73H manual knife gate valve connection size, size and weight:

MPaDNDD1D2D2HN-MDoThe weight (Kg)
OneFiftyForty-threeOne hundred and sixtyOne hundred and twenty-fiveOne hundredTwo hundred and eighty-five4-M16One hundred and eightyEight
Sixty-fiveForty-sixOne hundred and eightyOne hundred and forty-fiveOne hundred and twentyTwo hundred and ninety-eight4-M16One hundred and eightyTen
EightyForty-sixOne hundred and ninety-fiveOne hundred and sixtyOne hundred and thirty-fiveThree hundred and fifteen4-M16Two hundred and twentyTwelve
One hundredFifty-twoTwo hundred and fifteenOne hundred and eightyOne hundred and fifty-fiveThree hundred and sixty-five8-M16Two hundred and twentyFourteen
One hundred and twenty-fiveFifty-sixTwo hundred and forty-fiveTwo hundred and tenOne hundred and eighty-fiveFour hundred8-M16Two hundred and thirtyTwenty-two
One hundred and fiftyFifty-sixTwo hundred and eightyTwo hundred and fortyTwo hundred and tenFour hundred and seventy-five8-M20Two hundred and eightyTwenty-nine
Two hundredSixtyThree hundred and thirty-fiveTwo hundred and ninety-fiveTwo hundred and sixty-fiveFive hundred and forty8-M20Three hundred and sixtyThirty-eight
Two hundred and fiftySixty-eightThree hundred and ninetyThree hundred and fiftyThree hundred and twentySix hundred and thirty12-M20Three hundred and sixtySixty-six
Three hundredSeventy-eightFour hundred and fortyFour hundredThree hundred and sixty-eightSeven hundred and eighty12-M20Four hundredOne hundred
Three hundred and fiftySeventy-eightFive hundredFour hundred and sixtyFour hundred and twenty-eightEight hundred and eighty-five16-M20Four hundredOne hundred and nineteen
Four hundredOne hundred and twoFive hundred and sixty-fiveFive hundred and fifteenFour hundred and eighty-twoNine hundred and ninety16-M22Four hundredOne hundred and ninety-five
Four hundred and fiftyOne hundred and fourteenSix hundred and fifteenFive hundred and sixty-fiveFive hundred and thirty-twoOne thousand and one hundred20-M22Five hundred and thirtyTwo hundred and eighty-five
Five hundredOne hundred and twenty-sevenSix hundred and seventySix hundred and twentyFive hundred and eighty-fiveOne thousand and two hundred20-M22Five hundred and thirtyThree hundred and eighty-nine
Six hundredOne hundred and fifty-fourSeven hundred and eightySeven hundred and twenty-fiveSix hundred and eighty-fiveOne thousand four hundred and fifty20-M27Six hundredFive hundred and twenty-nine
Seven hundredOne hundred and sixty-fiveEight hundred and ninety-fiveEight hundred and fortyEight hundredOne thousand and seven hundred24-M27Six hundredSeven hundred and ninety
Eight hundredOne hundred and ninetyOne thousand and tenNine hundred and fiftyEight hundred and ninety-eightTwo thousand24-M30Six hundred and eightyEight hundred and fifty
Nine hundredTwo hundred and threeOne thousand one hundred and tenOne thousand and fiftyOne thousand and fiveTwo thousand and three hundred28-M30Six hundred and eightyNine hundred
One thousandTwo hundred and sixteenOne thousand two hundred and twentyOne thousand one hundred and sixtyOne thousand one hundred and fifteenTwo thousand and five hundred28-M30Seven hundredOne thousand and fifty
One thousand and two hundredTwo hundred and fifty-fourOne thousand four hundred and fiftyOne thousand three hundred and eightyOne thousand three hundred and twenty-fiveTwo thousand and eight hundred32-M36Eight hundredOne thousand and three hundred
One point sixFiftyForty-threeOne hundred and sixtyOne hundred and twenty-fiveNinety-nineTwo hundred and eighty-five4-M16One hundred and eightyEight point five
Sixty-fiveForty-sixOne hundred and eighty-fiveOne hundred and forty-fiveOne hundred and twentyTwo hundred and ninety-eight4-M16One hundred and eightyTen point seven
EightyForty-sixTwo hundredOne hundred and sixtyOne hundred and thirty-fiveThree hundred and fifteen8-M16Two hundred and twentyThirteen
One hundredFifty-twoTwo hundred and twentyOne hundred and eightyOne hundred and fifty-fiveThree hundred and sixty-five8-M16Two hundred and twentyFifteen
One hundred and twenty-fiveFifty-sixTwo hundred and fiftyTwo hundred and tenOne hundred and eighty-fiveFour hundred8-M16Two hundred and thirtyTwenty-three point five
One hundred and fiftyFifty-sixTwo hundred and eighty-fiveTwo hundred and fortyTwo hundred and tenFour hundred and seventy-five8-M20Two hundred and eightyThirty-one
Two hundredSixtyThree hundred and fortyTwo hundred and ninety-fiveTwo hundred and sixty-fiveFive hundred and forty12-M20Three hundred and sixtyForty point seven
Two hundred and fiftySixty-eightFour hundred and fiveThree hundred and fifty-fiveThree hundred and tenSix hundred and thirty12-M22Three hundred and sixtySeventy
Three hundredSeventy-eightFour hundred and sixtyFour hundred and tenThree hundred and seventy-fiveSeven hundred and eighty12-M22Four hundredOne hundred and seven
Three hundred and fiftySeventy-eightFive hundred and twentyFour hundred and seventyFour hundred and thirty-fiveEight hundred and eighty-five16-M22Four hundredOne hundred and twenty-nine
Four hundredOne hundred and twoFive hundred and eightyFive hundred and twenty-fiveFour hundred and eighty-fiveNine hundred and ninety16-M27Four hundredTwo hundred and fifteen
Four hundred and fiftyOne hundred and fourteenSix hundred and fortyFive hundred and eighty-fiveFive hundred and forty-fiveOne thousand and one hundred20-M27Five hundred and thirtyThree hundred and five
Five hundredOne hundred and twenty-sevenSeven hundred and fifteenSix hundred and fiftySix hundred and nineOne thousand and two hundred20-M30Five hundred and thirtyFour hundred and ten
Six hundredOne hundred and fifty-fourEight hundred and fortySeven hundred and seventySeven hundred and twentyOne thousand four hundred and fifty20-M36Six hundredFive hundred and fifty
Seven hundredOne hundred and sixty-five,, 910Eight hundred and fortySeven hundred and eighty-eightOne thousand and seven hundred24-M36Six hundredEight hundred and twenty
Eight hundredOne hundred and ninetyOne thousand and twenty-fiveNine hundred and fiftyEight hundred and ninety-eightTwo thousand24-M36Six hundred and eightyNine hundred and fifty
Nine hundredTwo hundred and threeOne thousand one hundred and twenty-fiveOne thousand and fiftyNine hundred and ninety-eightTwo thousand and three hundred28-M36Six hundred and eightyOne thousand and twenty
One thousandTwo hundred and sixteenOne thousand two hundred and fifty-fiveOne thousand one hundred and seventyOne thousand one hundred and tenTwo thousand and five hundred28-M42Seven hundredOne thousand one hundred and twenty
One thousand and two hundredTwo hundred and fifty-fourOne thousand four hundred and eighty-fiveOne thousand three hundred and ninetyOne thousand three hundred and twenty-fiveTwo thousand and eight hundred32-M48Eight hundredOne thousand four hundred and eighty

Eight, ordering:
1, please carefully before ordering the understanding of the product - knife gate valve, clearly marked specifications, types and materials, pressure, quantity.
2, the occasion is very important when using more complex or the environment when you try to provide design drawings and detailed parameters by Zhongwei control of our experts audit checks for you.
3, order the knife type valve, please fill out the order with the unit, receiving unit, the name of the payment unit, address (including the provincial, city, District, street, and No.), telephone, bank account, and representative.
4, the company's products are all order cash on delivery or delivery.
Nine, inspection (unloading) notice:
1, carefully controlled products and order (the knife type valve) is the same, and there is no breakage of packing box.
2, choose suitable methods and tools, to prevent deformation or damage of the product; our company attaches great importance to the service, in order to achieve customer satisfaction product standards we have with the customer side by side, share experiences, information, commitment, goal, in cooperation between the development of excellent products. Whether you ask the product design principle, technology, price, schedule, transportation routes and any other problem, have specific customer service staff to answer your questions.

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