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Wuhan Goldhome Hipot Electrical Co., Ltd.
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Main Products: High Voltage Tester|Automobile Exhaust Gas Analyzer


CT PT Analyzer

Nature of the Manufacturer
Product Category
CT Analyser
Place of Origin
City, Province
Tests for Current Transformer:)1)Excitation curve and parameters test)2)Turns ratio test)3)Ratio and phase error test)4)Polarity mark check)5)Winding resistance measurement)6)Secondary loop burden measurement)7)Error line curve test for protection CT)8)Transient CT parameters test)9)CT nameplate guess)10) Saturation hysteresis loop curve measurement
Product Details

HM404 CT PT Analyzer is used to measure all kinds of instrument transformer. The CT PT analyser can calculate the ratio errors and phase angle errors of current transformer and voltage transformer at rated burden and working burden in one time test. It also can automatically evaluate the test results according to the selected standard to determine whether the transformer is qualified.


Tests for Current Transformer:

1)Excitation curve and parameters test

2)Turns ratio test

3)Ratio and phase error test

4)Polarity mark check

5)Winding resistance measurement

6)Secondary loop burden measurement

7)Error line curve test for protection CT

8)Transient CT parameters test

9)CT nameplate guess

10) Saturation hysteresis loop curve measurement

Tests for Voltage Transformer:

1) Turns ratio test

2) Ratio error and phase angle error test

3) Polarity test

4) Secondary burden test

5) Winding resistance test

Applications of CT/PT Analyzer:

1)CT nameplate check

2)CT parameters check in work burden

3)CT transient parameters analysis

4)CT ratio and phase error calibration

5)PT routine test

(applied in transformer factory testing and applied in offshore wind power booster station testing)

(applied to test CT in the power distribution cabinet of the locomotive and applied in the500kv substation)

Technical Index

1) Test standards: IEC60044-1, IEC60044-6, IEC60044-2, IEC60044-5, C57.13

2) Power supply: AC220V±10%, 50/60Hz±10%

3) Voltage output: 0.1~180V (AC)

4) Current output: 0.001~5A(RMS)

5) Power output: 500VA

6) Maximum knee voltage measurement: 45KV

Range Error resolution

Current measurement

0~10A (automatically change range in 0.1/0.4/2/10A)


Voltage measurement

Range: 0~200V (automatically change range in 1V/10V/70V/200V)

Error: < ±0.1%+0.01%FS

Turns ratio measurement





Phase measurement



Winding resistance measurement

0~8kΩ (automatically change range in 2ohm/20ohm/80ohm/800ohm/8kohm)

< 0.2%RDG+0.02%FS

Maximum resolution: 0.1mΩ

Temperature measurement

-50~100 Celsius degree

<3 Celsius degree

CT Secondary burden

0~160ohm (automatically change range in 2ohm/20ohm/80ohm/160ohm)


Maximum resolution: 0.001ohm

PT Secondary burden

0~80kohm (automatically change range in 800ohm/8kohm/80kohm)



PT ratio measurement





7) PT ratio error measurement: Typical error <0.05%, Maximum Error<0.1%

8) PT phase angle measurement: maximum error < 3min

9)Make evaluation for test results according to selected standards

10) Make word report for test result

11) Make word reports one time for multi-group test records on the PC

12) Calculate the ratio errors and phase angle errors at rated burden and working burden in one time test

13) Compare excitation curves with saved excitation curves in the same window

14) Memory capacity: >1000 groups test results

15)Working condition: temperature: -10℃~50℃; moist: ≤90%

16) Size: 485mm×356mm×183mm

17) Weight: <15kg

CT PT  Analyzer factory test

System Setup

The function of system setup command is to set the system running parameters such as system time, operator, and test address and so on. Panel as figure 1.1 will be showed on LCD when system setup button is clicked.


System run parameters in system setup panel have no effect in test control. All system run parameters only affect word test report. The name and definition of system run parameters are showed in table 1.2.

Table 1.2 System run parameters

Parameters name


Tester ID

The identification number offered by manufacturer

Soft ID

Software version


Operator name in word test report

Test company

Test company in word test report

Test address

Test address in word test report

Report header

Document header in word test report

Report footer

Document footer in word test report

Other parameters in system setting panel are response for test control. The detailed information of those parameters is as table 1.3

Table 1.3 System setup parameters

Parameters name


Automatic evaluation

1.If “Close evaluation procedure" is selected, Analyzer will offer parameter results of CT only when CT analysis test is end. Analyzer will not evaluate the test results according to selected standard

2.If “Evaluation in working burden only" is selected Analyzer will offer both parameter results of CT and evaluation results according to

selected standard when CT analysis test is end. But the evaluation results only include the parameters calculated in work burden.

3.If “Evaluation in both working and rated burden" is selected,

Analyzer will offer both parameter results of CT and evaluation results

according to selected standard when CT analysis test is end. The

evaluation results include the parameters calculated in both working and rated burden.

Excitation test control

Auto setting is factory setting. This parameter affects CT analysis and

ratio test. If measure saturation voltage automatically is selected,

Analyzer will select a special test frequency according to saturation value in excitation curve measurement. Otherwise Analyzer will not measure

saturation voltage before excitation curve test starts.

Warning: Please select automatic mode in most of time. Just set the

saturation value when you can not get the correct excitation curve in

automatic mode.

Show excitation curve data in brief mode

If Show excitation curve data in brief mode has been selected, the

excitation data table items will be not more than 30 points, 15 points

before knee point and 15 points after knee point. All those points are

sampled from excitation curve measured in the same step.
If this item is not selected, all the excitation curve data will be showed in excitation curve data table.

Transformer secondary current guess threshold value

This parameter is valid in nameplate information guess. Analyzer

guesses the rated secondary current of CT according to this parameter.
If the winding resistance measured in CT secondary is lower than this

value, Analyzer will set the rated secondary current of CT to 5A.

Otherwise, the rated secondary current of CT is 1A.

1A CT core type guess threshold value

This parameter is valid in nameplate information guess. Analyzer

guesses the core type of 1A CT according to this parameter.
If the knee point voltage of 1A transformer is lower than this value,

Analyzer will set the core type of CT to measurement. Otherwise, the

core type of CT is protection.

5A CT core type guess threshold value

This parameter is valid in nameplate information guess. Analyzer

guesses the core type of 5A CT according to this parameter.
If the knee point voltage of 5A transformer is lower than this value,

Analyzer will set the core type of CT to measurement. Otherwise, the

core type of CT is protection.

Excitation data search mode

If search current from voltage is selected, Analyzer will find the right

current value in excitation curve by the voltage value inputted.
If search voltage from current is selected, Analyzer will find the right

voltage value in excitation curve by the current value inputted.

Safety regulations for CT/PT Analyzer application

1.All technical index should keep in work condition before testing with Analyzer.

2.Please follow associated international standards in a special application.

3.Forbid high voltage or high current connected to CT/PT Analyzer directly.

4.All tests need to follow procedure in user manual.

5.It is forbid to open the box of CT/PT Analyzer. Otherwise, the quality assurance will be invalid.

6.It is forbid to update or extend the tester without manufacturer authorization.

7.Please use the original accessories for Analyzer.

8.It is forbid to cut off test connection before LED indicator light is OFF.

9.Please connect Analyzer to ground with grounding cable in no laboratory application.

10.Please confirm that one terminal of sample CT primary connected to ground.

11.Do not run Analyzer in extreme moist condition.

12.Please confirm that all terminals connected to Analyzer have no voltage. All voltage outputs are from CT/PT Analyzer.

13. Please confirm that voltage had been injected to CT secondary winding in CT test. Otherwise, CT/PT Analyzer will be damaged possibly.

14.Please confirm that voltage had been injected to PT primary winding in PT ratio test. Otherwise, CT/PT Analyzer will be damaged possibly.

15.The ratio error and phase angle error test is valid for electromagnetic voltage transformer only. It can not applied in CVT test.


The appearance of CT/PT Analyzer is as figure bellow


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