8000x2500mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machine 8000x2500mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machinea. 8000x2500mm single table.b. open type.
Product Details
8000x2500mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
a. 8000x2500mm single table.
b. Open Type.
Today, we would like to share China Fscut Cypnest Nesting System with you.
Drawing processing and import Intelligent drawing recognition, the automatic judgment of drawing errors, efficient modification of incorrect drawings; support for importing DWG and DXF format drawings; support for Excel table to generate drawings, and quickly import.
Nesting algorithm Fast, high-utilization nesting algorithm reduces material waste; an unlimited number of nesting plates; supports automatic, manual, and manual + automatic mixed nesting methods; supports automatic and manual nesting of special-shaped plates.
Cutting path optimization Intelligent sorting algorithm that minimizes air shift; fast manual sorting operation mode; a variety of common toolpath generation modes developed to adapt to different customer scenarios.
Accessibility It can generate various types of processing orders, quotations, and other statistical documents; it is fully compatible with HypCut/CypCut cutting process.